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3-25-14 Minutes
Salem Beautification Committee
Meeting March 25, 2014

Present:  Chairperson Barbara Swartz , Sam Fiori, Mary Ellen Halliwell, Marcia Lambert, Lisa Lyons,  Sandra Power, Barbara Sirois, Judith Wolfe, Ellen Talkowsky  Absent:  Bev Moustakis,

Meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M.

1.  Approval of Minutes:  Article 5 was amended to change the phrase “Traffic Island project participants” to “traffic Island sponsors.”  Article 7(c) was amended to request that the Committee Agenda include reports from all “standing committees.”  The Minutes were approved as amended.

2.  Reminders and Announcements:  
It was suggested that there will be a “show and tell” before the next meeting.
It was suggested that notes on which presentations are made be given to the
     Secretary for reference in the drafting of the minutes of the meeting.
A report was given noting issues and the latest changes to the plan for the Washington
    Street/Canal Street traffic island project.

3.  Clean Salem Green Salem:  Schools will be notified regarding the May 3rd event.  Various projects and cleaning methods were discussed.  A Committee member will explore the city to identify cleaning projects.  The Committee will clean a site still to be chosen.  The street sweeping schedule will be checked.  The neighborhood associations and community groups will be contacted.   Graffiti issues were addressed.  Flyers will be created and distributed. The need for rakes, brooms and gloves was discussed.   Plans for providing drinks and pizza for the participants were made.  This discussion will be continued at the next meeting.

4.  Plant Sale- May 17 and May 18:  Notice of the sale and other Committee events have been posted on our Summer Happenings List, on Salem Patch, Salem Access TV and in other places. The Plant Sale notice includes a request for plant donations.

    5.  Lady of Salem:  It was announced that three additional “Lady” figureheads will be sponsored by the local business Lady Shalimar.  Bills for the creation of two figureheads have been paid.

A Motion to adjourn was proposed and allowed.  The meeting adjourned at 8:50 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Judith Wolfe

Next Meeting:  April 22, 2013 at 7:00 P.M.
Chairperson: Barbara Swartz